Flattery will get you everywhere. Aspirational messaging effectively positions Stevens Aviation as the maintenance go-to for high-end aircraft owners.

Crate Direct Mailer: Locked crates were sent to top-tier C-level executives like Bill Gates. To unlock them, recipients played an interactive web game that revealed a secret code. Inside: a hand-crafted tribal mask and brochure detailing the core benefit: obtaining rich data reveals your customer, “the buyer beneath the mask”. Was it worth it? 100% participation rate.

Mystery Mask Crate

We know where your fish are jumping. This stuffed fish mailer was sent to marketers to showcase how segmentation data help you catch the big fish – your best customers.

Stuffed Fish 3D Direct Mail

It’s all in the name. This direct mailer took advantage of an enigmatic name to boost brand awareness.

Creating teachable moments. Content like surveys and infographics enabled SMART Technologies to position itself as a thought leader as teachers transitioned to remote learning.